“Government Contracting can take your business from where it is and multiply it within the same time frame, making your dreams come true!”

The magic in it is that Government contracting can replace ten years of income from your regular paying customers, which is life-changing. But how do you grow your business, get contracts, or are there any opportunities?

If you are in the Healthcare Industry, take down notes and highlight the tips; this is your lucky day! 

We are discussing #5 different arenas of government Contracting in the Health sector that you can use to position yourself as a successful government contractor.

  • Provide healthcare services for veterans

The department of veterans or the veteran administration is an overlooked government agency by many businesses without considering it to position them in government contracting. So basically, you can provide solutions for whatever kind of problem the government faces regarding veteran healthcare and position yourself as a contractor. 

It may be a mental well-being program or a music therapy program; whatever it is, you should be the solution to the problem.

  • Working with Prisons or Detention Centers

If you are already in the healthcare sector or if you are a nurse, I’m sure you have never considered working in prisons or detention center….you should. In fact, prisons and detention centers are mostly overlooked because they are for criminals or only government officials work there. 

But the mind-blowing thing is that prisons provide multiple six-figure contracts for mental health contracts preparing them to assimilate back into society. This is just an example; imagine how many more opportunities you must have missed.

  • Caring for Patients in Rural Areas

People in rural areas hire contractors to come in and provide services to them. It may be regarding giving them medicine, taking their weight, or providing counselling services; whatever it is, this is a vast area of opportunities for you to grab and position yourself as a government contractor.

  • Providing Disaster Relief Services

There are emergency lists created by government sectors to be used in occasions of a disaster. For example, the transportation department has an emergency list for those who can provide transportation for disaster relief. 

Get on the list as a service provider or a product provider in case of emergency so you can easily grab a chance to be a provider for the government and leverage your business.

  • Government Research

Even right now, the government is researching on covid, working out to find a cure, genetic and stem research, DNA research, and all kinds of health research, and this is a chance for you guys working in the health sector.

You can grab this opportunity by being a government researcher and helping to find solutions for the government because the health sector is a huge area to be covered.


If you are in the health industry, you sure are in the money-producing industry. The key is to be strategic, provide the best solutions to the government, and grab your opportunities by being the perfect problem solver for the government.

Watch the full YT video for more info about the chances in the Health Sector for government contracting.

Join Karwanna D, the Government Contract specialist, for more valuable tips and the complete step-by-step blueprint to leverage your business, position yourself as a government contractor, and create your own legacy.